CRSD aims to empower and make people and communities more resilient and economically self-reliant through building capacities, promoting meaningful participation in productive activities to sustain their basic needs and diversify their income.

Our expertise in Livelihoods

We promote livelihood strategies that protect, recover and strengthen individuals’ and households’ abilities to earn a living. To prevent repeated displacement, we support engagement in social and economic opportunities that reinforce the adaptive capacity of systems, individuals, families and communities affected by displacement

Our livelihoods and food security work focuses on the following thematic areas:

  • Asset creation (creating local assets that reduce food insecurity and build livelihood opportunities)
  • Employment and income generation and/or diversification
  • Initial business and value chain development

We work in three areas to enable livelihoods that are in support of durable solutions:

  • Livelihoods protection

Support affected households and communities in protecting household and livelihood systems, avert erosion of productive assets, and support households and communities in restoring productive assets.

  • Livelihoods promotion

Enhance household and community capacity to manage risks and shocks and to leverage their adaptive, financial and human capabilities. Invest in lasting solutions for improved economic and social wellbeing and dignity